• Living with Intent

    When we live with intent, we own our actions; instead of habitually performing them.

    We tend to associate the energy of intent with complicated or profoundly meaningful actions that require our full attention and effort in order to succeed.

    For example, walking a tightrope, taking a test, and taking a vow are all tasks that call us to be fully present and single-minded. However, intent can also be applied to everyday events, like eating breakfast or going to work. In fact, everything we do benefits from the presence of intent, which has the power to transform seemingly mundane tasks into profound experiences. You only have to try it to find out.

    Intent is one of the cornerstones of the Zen tradition in which monks work for years to develop the stillness and sharpness of mind to do only one thing at a time. Most of the time we are doing one thing and thinking of something else, or even doing three things at the same time, such as talking on the phone, doing dishes, and boiling water for tea.

    There is nothing inherently wrong with multitasking, which seems necessary at times, especially in the midst of family life. However, balancing this with a healthy dose of intentional activity can provide valuable insight into the benefits of doing one thing at a time, being fully present with whatever the task at hand happens to be.
  • Kindness

    Kindness expands the light within us and reaches out to touch the light in others as well.

    Kindness is an ideal that is easily accessible to all of us. We all know that a small kindness can make our journeys lighter and more enjoyable. Even bringing an instance of kindness to mind can put a smile on your face days or weeks later or perhaps even inspire you to share kindness with another. Though it may seem simple to the point of insignificance, many cultures throughout the world and history have recognized kindness as a powerful virtue. It may be the simplest way to experience and share all the grandest ideals of humanity.

    We can make the choice to act from the best place within ourselves at any time, while simultaneously recognizing the highest potential in another with the smallest of acts, nourishing the seed of hope in each soul we encounter.
  • Verde - A Sustainable Market in Miami, FL

    Our newest retail partner is Verde - a sustainable, zero waste market located in sunny Miami, FL.

    With everything from refil stations to fresh juices, bulk foods and personal care products, Verde is taking a sustainable, plastic-free way of life mainstream. As they say, small changes lead to great movements!

    If you're in the area be sure to stop in, sample our products and others and get into the zero waste movement!
  • Mantra of the Day!

  • Mantra of the Day

  • Organic + Vegan Back to School Essentials

    Back to school season is upon us! The aisles of local stores jam packed with gardening and pool floaties have seemingly transformed overnight to rows upon rows of pencils and notebooks. Where did the summer go?! But stationary isn't all you need this back to school season. Below are Meadowlark’s must-have organic picks to ensure you and your little ready for another successful school year!

    For Your Tinys:
    Lavender Room Spray After a summer of staying up late, your kiddo might have trouble adjusting to an earlier sleep schedule. This soothing organic/vegan lavender room spray can help calm their active minds and get them swiftly off to sleep. Spray into the air or even spray onto your kiddo’s linens/pillowcase. It’s also safe for pets!

    For Your High Schooler:
    Activated Charcoal Scrub
    Your preteen or teen may be fighting a constant battle with acne, or perhaps they just want soft healthy skin. Either way, this facial scrub fits the bill by combating acne without dryness. The detoxifying power of the activated charcoal will help remove impurities. Natural lemon, tea tree, and lavender leaves skin feeling clean, smooth, and soft.
  • 4th of July done Vegan + Vegetarian!

    The 4th of July is around the corner- time to break out the grill and fireworks! But what to grill if you (or a guest) are vegetarian or vegan!? We've got you covered - try our 4th of July menu!

    We’ve compiled some of our favorite recipes - pick and choose a recipe or two or use them all for a tasty, vegetarian, four-course meal. Either way, you’ll have great meals for your plant eating peeps!

    First Course- Appetizer
    A fun spin on the ubiquitous vegetable tray

    Grilled Vegetable Platter
    1/4 cup olive oil
    2 tablespoons honey
    4 teaspoons balsamic vinegar
    1 teaspoon dried oregano
    1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
    1/8 teaspoon pepper
    Dash of salt
    1 pound fresh asparagus, trimmed
    3 small carrots, cut in half lengthwise
    1 large sweet red pepper, cut into 1-inch strips
    1 medium yellow summer squash, cut into 1/2-inch slices
    1 medium red onion, cut into wedges

    In a small bowl, whisk the first seven ingredients. Place 3 tablespoons marinade in a large resealable plastic bag. Add vegetables; seal bag and turn to coat. Marinate 1-1/2 hours at room temperature.
    Transfer vegetables to a grilling grid; place grid on grill rack. Grill vegetables, covered, over medium heat 8-12 minutes or until crisp-tender, turning occasionally.
    Place vegetables on a large serving plate. Drizzle with remaining marinade. Yield: 6 servings.

    Note: If you don’t have a grilling grid, use a recyclable foil pan. Poke holes in the bottom of the pan with a fork to allow liquid to drain.

    Second Course- Salad
    This salad is so delicious, even carnivores will enjoy! To veganize, just leave out the feta or use a non-dairy alternative such as Daiya or Treeline.

    Grilled Summer Salad with Corn, Peppers and Chili-Lime Dressing

    4 to 6 cups arugula
    1 large red bell pepper, seeded, membranes removed, sliced into 1-inch wide strips
  • Top 5 Organic Summer Must-Have's!

    Summer is here! The sun's out, the air is warm, and the bees are buzzing- time for beach days, hiking and camping trips! As great as it can be, this season’s activities can be harsh on our skin.

    Ample outdoor time can translate into sunburn, bug bites and more- and who wants to spread chemical sprays and creams all over their body? Not I. But, fear not! We’ve curated a few seasonal favorites that will keep you and yours happy and healthy all summer long.

    Organic Bug Spray
    I'm not sure why, but mosquitos love me. I’m that person who will get multiple bites while everyone else walks away unscathed. Being a mosquito magnet is inconvenient to say the least, but Meadowlark Botanical’s Organic Deet Free Bug Spray truly works!

    A few spritzes and I'm able to enjoy the outdoors without being eaten alive, which is miraculous considering the spray is non-toxic and natural. It’s also safe for our little ones, as well as our furry best friends. Spray onto your pup’s collar or lead and enjoy those trail hikes mosquito-free.

    Cooling After Sun Spray
    I try to avoid over-exposure to the sun as I have fair skin. A long sporting event or simply losing track of time (or forgetting to re-apply sunscreen) and I’ll develop the complexion of a lobster. Ouch. After Sun Skin Soothing Spray is my rescue! This natural aloe-based spray soothes and calms angry red skin and the cooling mint feels refreshing and takes out the sting. Stash a bottle in the fridge for extra cooling power on those hot days.

    Healing Salve
    While working in the garden or running around outside, cuts and scrapes are bound to happen. Organic Herbal Healing Salve is my go-to natural remedy. It helps to quickly ease pain and itchiness as the antimicrobial and antibacterial herbal ingredients keeps infections at bay. Just dab onto the skin, or apply to your child’s band-aid and you’re both back in action.
  • Activated Charcoal- Fave or Fad?

    Looking for a good detox? Maybe something to whiten your teeth? Chances are you’ve seen the recent product trend of activated charcoal. But is activated charcoal all it's claims to be? Is it safe to use and/or consume?

    What is it?
    Activated charcoal can be made from a variety of ingredients, most commonly from coconut shells, peat or olive pits. According to Healthline.com, to activate the charcoal it’s processed at very high temperatures, changing the structure making it more porous- a big difference between the stuff we use on the grill!

    What does it do?
    Activated charcoal is used for a variety of purposes including in an emergency to help combat poisoning. When ingested, the charcoal helps absorb the toxins. It can’t be soaked up by our bodies, making it ideal for use this situation.

    Another use is at-home detox! Available in capsule form, many have taken to ingesting activated charcoal as a way of detoxing their bodies. While it can be great on occasion, experts caution on using it too often as it can remove both the beneficial and bad bacteria in our gut with prolonged usage.

    One other word of note- activated charcoal has the potential to interact with your medications, rendering them less effective via their strong filtration capacity.

    Always use caution if ingesting this supplement. We suggest checking with your healthcare provider or physician to getting the all-clear when taking this product internally.

    One of the most popular ways to use activated charcoal is in beauty products. Due to the porous properties, it’s an ideal natural ingredient in Facial Scrubs, masks, and cleansers as it can absorb and remove dirt and impurities from our face and body. It also can help combat skin issues such as acne and blackheads.

    Activated charcoal is ideal for deodorant, again for its absorbing powers! I recently tried Meadowlark Botanical's Organic Charcoal Deodorant in Rosemary + Tea Tree and was pleasantly surprised- it feels velvety soft and smooth
  • My Switch to Natural Deodorant - A One Week Experiment!

    Most of my life, I haven’t put too much thought into deodorant- I went to the grocery store, picked a scent I liked, and went on. It never occurred to me that my deo might not be good for me. Not until my husband was diagnosed with lymphoma.
    Finding out your spouse has cancer is life changing. Suddenly the life we were building had another possible outcome. At the time of his diagnosis, my daughter was only three months old and I had to face the possibility of raising her alone. To say that this was devastating is an understatement. I was terrified and distraught. However, we were the lucky ones, and after 6 months of chemotherapy, my husband’s cancer was gone.
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