Did you know the Center for Disease Control in the US (CDC) publishes guidelines about effective ingredients in mosquito repellents? Of the three that get their stamp of approval, two are synthetics (DEET and picaridin). Not suprising! DEET is bad news- it can have an effect on the central nervous system, especially in small children. 

I know how awful mosquitos can be. Having lived at the edge of thick, dense jungle as a Peace Corps Volunteer, mosquitos and I were very familiar with each other. DEET was the only thing somewhat effective in keeping them out of my face. I sprayed it everywhere- liberally and often. Yikes. I wish I knew then what I know now!

While on backpacking trip during my Peace Corps days, I brought a large bottle of DEET with me (as did anyone else who didn't want to get eaten alive)! At some point in our journey, the bottle spilled all over the inside of my backpack. I finally realized what happened due to the smell and furiously pulled everything out of my pack. Any little bit of plastic the DEET came in contact with- be it on a shoelace, a rain poncho or a camera bag..... melted! Very sticky and tacky, like a thick glue. I truly could not believe what I was seeing and touching. I had even more trouble processing the fact that I was using this on my skin multiple times per day. For almost a year. 

Thankfully, most of us don't live in a jungle and have other options to choose from. But not all bug sprays are effective.  A natural ingredient I began to use after the great DEET experiement (the experiment being me) is Lemon-Eucalyptus oil.  The CDC says that lemon-wucalyptus oil "has been shown to offer long-lasting protection against mosquito bites.” I've heard it's also effective against West Nile Virus, but haven't confirmed that yet. 

Of course if you're spending time in dense jungles or the Alaskan bush and what-not, be sure to also wear protective clothing because those mosquitos show no mercy. 

Seriously, why use something toxic when there is a natural ingredient that works just as well? You can make your own homemade mosquito spray, or try one of many on the market. Make sure to read the label, and that Lemon Eucalyptus is listed as a main ingredient! 

Meadowlark's Natural Bug Spray features lemon-eucalyptus as a primary active ingredient, along with several other key botanicals. When combined, they provide a broad spectrum of protection against mosquitos, tics, wasps, biting flies and other creepy crawlies. And it's safe for ages 2 and above. Bonus: Dog safe too! Just spritz a little on your pup’s collar and leash prior to hitting the trails or spending time outdoors. 

Have questions? Mosquito horror stories? Drop us a note! We'd love to hear from you. 
